约翰,法学博士, 现任yl9193永利官网教授 2015-2017 清华大学 2009-2015 香港大学 2006-2009 英国阿伯丁大学 2003-2005 英国威斯敏斯特大学 1994-2002 英国德比大学 1977-1994 英国格拉斯哥大学 -
国际法原论 -
主要从事国际法研究 -
Representative Papers
1. Carty, Law as a Science (The Place of Doctrine in the History of its Sources),
Indian Yearbook of World Affairs, Part II (1980), pp. 128-160.
2.Carty, The Law of Nature and Nations in Stair, in D. Walker, editor,
Stair Centennial Studies, pp. 127-136. Edinburgh, (1981)
3.Carty, Une Sociologie du Droit International du Developpement, in M.
Flory, editor, Droit-International du Developement, C.N.R.S. (1984), pp.95-103.
4.Carty, The Decay of International Law?, Manchester University Press,(1986) pp.viii, 138.
5.Carty, Liberal Economic Rhetoric and the World Economy, Vol.98,(1988), Ethics pp. 742-756.
6.Carty, Critical Theory and General Customary Law, Marine Policy, Vol. X(1988), pp. 211-218.
7.Carty, as coeditor (principal editor, A-J.Arnaud), Dictionnaire encyclopédie de théorie et de sociologie du droit, Paris, 1988, L.G.D.J., pp. 487.
8.Carty, editor, Post-Modern Law, Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp.161, in which chapters by myself, pp.1-39, 71-89; in French Carty, editor, Dossier Lumieres, Revolution,
Post-Modernisme Vol.13, 1989, Droit et Société, pp. 314-414.
9.Carty and G. Danilenko, eds., Perestroika and International Law: Current Anglo-Soviet Conceptions
of International Law, Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp. 161, in which a chapter by myself on judicial settlement of disputes in British state practice, at pp. 129-146.
10.Carty and J. Mair, Some Post-Modern Perspectives on Law and Society,
Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 17, no.4 (1990) pp. 1-16.
11.Carty, English Constitutional Law from a Post-Modern Perspective, in P. Fitzpatrick, ed., Dangerous Supplements, 1991, Pluto Press (and Duke University Press), pp.178-203.
12.Carty, Critical International Law: Recent Trends in the Theory of International Law,
European Journal of International Law, 1991. Vol. 2, No.1, 1991. pp. 66-96.(Review Article)
13.Carty, Review of Four Doctoral Dissertations on the Law of the Sea, Modern Law Review, September, 1991, pp.758-767.
14.Carty, Liberalism's Dangerous Supplements: Medieval Ghosts of International Law,
Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 13, 1991, pp.601-611.(Review Article)