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胡晓霞 教授


















2. 论法治化营商环境之司法方案,中国应用法学2021年;


4. 上诉利益的判断标准,法学评论2019年,《中国人民大学报刊复印资料·诉讼法学司法制度》2019年全文转载;

5. 消费纠纷的在线解决:国外典型经验与中国方案,法学论坛2019年;

6. 习近平总书记关于程序法治重要论述的研究,2018年获第十三届“中国法学家论坛征文奖”优秀奖;

7. “一带一路”建设中纠纷解决机制研究——兼及涉外法律人才的培养,法学论坛2018年,《中国社会科学文摘》2018年转摘;

8. 电子商务争议在线解决机制的科学构建,人民法治·法律实施2018年;

9. The Embodiment of The Thought of”Ruled By Law and Moral”In Ancient, ATENE E ROMA-NUOVA SERIE SECONDA,JAN-JUN 2018(A&HCI);

10. 我国在线纠纷解决机制发展的现实困境与未来出路,法学论坛2017年,《中国社会科学文摘》2017年转摘。

11. 民事主体结构的失衡与完善,中国社会科学报2017年;

12. 全面认识中国企业走出去的法律风险,中国社会科学报》2016年;

13. 民事诉讼管辖制度的新变革——以法解释论为视角,社会科学研究》2014年;

14. 完善证券纠纷代表人诉讼制度,中国社会科学报2013年;

15. 法国民事检察制度及其启示,人民检察2013年;

16. 论民事庭审前程序的功能,法学杂志2012年;

17. 民事庭审前程序之阶段划分,政治与法律2012年,《中国社会科学文摘》2012年转摘;

18. 人民调解协议司法确认疑难问题研究——以人民调解协议变更、撤销及无效认定为视角,政治与法律2013年,高等学校文科学术文摘2013年全文转载;

19. 论法律职业技能培育的实现,人民论坛2012年;

20. 主张证明责任视角下的民法——以不当得利为切入点,暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》2011年;

21. The People’s Mediation New Practice: The Judicial Confirmation,CHINA LEGAL SCIENCE(《中国法学》英文版),2011年。

Ⅰ.Basic Information

With a doctoral law degree, Ms. Xiaoxia Hu is a Han Chinese, a Community Party of China (CPC) member, and a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Law. She once worked as a visiting scholar at the College of William and Mary in the United States.


Ⅱ.Teaching Course

Civil Procedure Law, Moot Court, Difficult & Complicated Cases in Civil Lawsuits

Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise

Civil procedure law and dispute resolution

Ⅳ. Academic Part-time title

Member, China Civil Procedure Law Society

V. Main Publications and Research Projects


1. Shake Hands with Future: Online Dispute Resolution and Consumer Protection on the Internet, Peking University Press 2020;

2. Fundamental Principles & Establishment of Rationality: Procedural Construction Prior to Civil Trials, China Legal Publishing House 2013;

3. New Explanations & Interpretations for Difficult and Complicated Cases Applicable to the New Civil Procedure Law, China Procuratorial Press 2013;

4. Interpret the Latest Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, China Legal Publishing House 2012.


1. Theoretical Study of Procedural Rule of Law in Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Rule of Law, Social Sciences in Guangxi 2021;

2. China’s Plan for Legalized Business Environment, China Journal of Applied Jurisprudence 2021;

3. Challenges Confronted by the Mechanism of the Levels of Civil Trials in China and Solutions for Improvement, Political Science and Law 2020;

4. Criteria for Judging Appeal Interest, Law Review 2019 (reprinted by Renmin University of China’s Collected Journal Copies: Judicial Institution for Procedural Laws in 2019);

5. Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers: Experiences from the U.S. and Plans for China, Legal Forum 2019;

6. Study on Key Remarks Made by President Xi Jinping on Procedural Rule of Law 2018 (received Honorable Mention Award during the 13th Forum of Chinese Jurists Essay Contest);

7. Study on Mechanisms for Dispute Resolution in the Development of the Belt and Road Initiative & on Training of Legal Professionals for Cross-Border Transactions, Legal Forum 2018 (reprinted by China Social Science Digest);

8. Scientific Development of Online Dispute Resolution for Disputes for Electronic Commerce, People Rule of Law: Implementation of Laws 2018;

9. The Embodiment of the Thought of “Ruled by Law and Moral” In Ancient, ATENE E ROMA-NUOVA SERIE SERIE SECONDA, JAN-JUN 2018 (A&HCI);

10. Present Predicament in the Development of Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism in China and Future Solutions, Legal Forum 2017 (reprinted by China Social Science Digest);

11. Lack of Balance and Improvement in the Structure of Main Participants in Civil Lawsuits, China Social Sciences Today 2017;

12. Comprehensively Identify the Legal Risks Encountered by Chinese Enterprises Going Abroad, China Social Sciences Today 2016;

13. New Changes in the Jurisdiction Institution of Civil Procedures: Perspectives of the Theory of Legal Interpretation, Social Science Research 2014;

14. Improve the Litigation Institution for Representatives in Securities Transaction Disputes, China Social Sciences Today 2013;

15. Civil Procuratorial Institution in France and Its Lessons, People’s Procuratorial Semimonthly 2013;

16. A Discussion of the Functions of the Pre-Trial Procedures in Civil Court, Law Science Magazine 2012;

17. Partition of Stages in Civil Court Pre-Trial Procedures, Political Science and Law 2012 (reprinted by China Social Science Digest);

18. A Study on Difficult and Complicated Problems in Judicial Confirmation for People’s Mediation Agreement: Perspectives of Change, Repeal, and Null Confirmation of People’s Mediation Agreement, Political Science and Law 2013 (reprinted by China University Academic Abstracts);

19. On How to Cultivate Technical Skills of Legal Professionals, People’s Tribune 2012;

20. Civil Laws from the Perspectives of Claiming Burden of Proof: A Discussion on Unjust Enrichment, Jinan Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 2011;

21. The People’s Mediation New Practice: The Judicial Confirmation, China Legal Science (English Edition) 2011.