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付俊伟 副教授























3. 契约正义,历史行进中的内涵变迁,法律与生活2016年;

4. 试论承租人优先购买权,苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学)2015年;

5. 欧盟私法统一理性主义考察,山东社会科2015年;

6. 人权保障:现代私法的基本价值取向,北航法律评论2014年;

7. 中国合同法最新发展, 国际法律与法学研究杂志2014年;

8. 合同自由在欧洲与中国,国际商法与技术法期刊2013年;

9. 现代商人法与欧盟私法统一,贵州大学学报(社会科学版)2013年;

10. 宪法权利适用于私法的三种思路:以欧盟私法统一为视角,民商法论丛2012年;

11. 中国法制发展报告,埃尔加比较法百科全书2012年;

12. 论欧盟合同解释制度及对我国的启示,东吴法学2011年;

13. 论合同忠诚的内涵及历史沿革,民商法论丛2010年;

14. 现代欧盟私法的发展方向:人权保障与社会正义,中共中央党校学报2009年;

15. 欧盟民法典草案之物权法评论,民商法论丛2009;

16. 欧盟民法典草案之述评,民商法论丛2009;

17. 迈向共同的社会价值:中欧合同法根本原则比较研究,牛津大学比较法论坛2009年。



Ⅰ.Basic Information

Dr. Junwei Fu is currently the deputy director of the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Settlement and an Associate Professor of Law at Beijing Institute of Technology. He obtained his LLM and PhD degree from University of Groningen Law School and Tilburg University Law School in the Netherlands. Junwei Fu was a visiting scholar at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, United States and Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Law in Thailand. He had been appointed as the vice president of Fangshan District Court of Beijing from 2017-2018.

Ⅱ.Teaching Course

General Principles of Civil Law, Comparative Contract Law

Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise

Contract Law, European Private Law, Arbitration Law

Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title

Council Member, European Law Association of Chinese Society of European Studies

Council Member, Real Right Law Association of Beijing Law Society

Council Member, Technology Law Association of Beijing Law Society

Council Member, Digital Entertainment Law Association of Beijing Law Society

Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects


1. Modern European and Chinese Contract Law: A comparative study of party autonomyKluwer Law International Publisher 2011;

2. Draft Civil Code of People’s Republic of China, Brill Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff 2010;

3. Outline of Chinese Legal History, Kluwer Publisher 2016;

4. Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law: Draft Common Frame of Reference (full edition), Volume 1, China Law Press 2014.

5. Private Law, China Law Press 2015.



1. Construction of the Dispute Resolution Mechanism under "the Belt and Road Initiative" - Centered on Mediation by the People's Court, Lanzhou Academic Journal 2019

2. Reconsideration and reconstruction of contract invalidation system, Gansu Social Sciences 2017;

3. Contractual Justice: The Change of Meaning in the Historical Evolution, Law and Life 2016;

4. Essay on the Preemption of Tenant, Journal of Soochow University 2015;

5. The Rational Observation of European Private Law, Journal of Shan Dong Social Sciences 2015;

6. Human Rights Protection: The Development Tendency of Modern European Private Law, Beihang Law Review 2014;

7. Freedom of contract in the EU and China, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 2013;

8. The recent development of Chinese Contract Law, International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies 2014;

9. Junwei Fu, Lex Mercatoria and European Private Law Unification, Journal of Guizhou University 2013;

10. Three Methods of Constitutional Rights to Adopt in Private Law: From the Perspective of European Private Law Unification, Civil and Commercial Law Review 2012;

11. The development of Chinese legal system, Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Eward Elgar Publishing 2012;

12. Essay on the Interpretation of Contract Rules in PECL, Dongwu Law Review 2011;

13. The Concept and Historical Development of Contract Loyalty, Civil and Commercial Law Review 2010;

14. The Development Tendency of Modern European Private Law: Human Rights Protection and Social Justice, Journal of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 2009;

15. Commentaries on the Property law of the DCFR, Civil and Commercial Law Review 2009.

16. Commentaries on the Draft Common Frame of Reference, Civil and Commercial Law Review 2009.

17. Towards a social value convergence: A comparative study of fundamental principles in the EU and China, Oxford University Comparative Law Forum 2009;


(审核:  张爱秀)